Useful Information & Tips
- Difference between FAT REDUCTION & WEIGHT LOSS
- Tips for a Healthy Living
- Tips to lose WEIGHT & DEAD FAT CELLS faster
- How to Improve your Oral Hygiene
- What Body Shape are you ?
- 15 Foods that BURN more CALORIES
- Food that works well as Medication
- 7 Urban legends that will make you age faster and die younger
NOTE: WEIGHT LOSS and FAT REDUCTION are the same thing, THEY'RE NOT !!!
- * When we LOSE WEIGHT, our Fat Cells become smaller, BUT the number of Fat Cells remains the same
- When we GAIN WEIGHT, those Fat Cells become larger again.
- * However, the FAT FREEZE Procedure actually REDUCES the NUMBER OF FAT CELLS in the treated areas.
- Obviously, Fat Cells that are no longer there can't get bigger !
- The results from the FAT FREEZE Procedure are LASTING because once the Fat Cells are eliminated, they're GONE FOR GOOD.
- Whether or not you weigh less, you'll be thinner and your clothes will fit better, feel better, and you will look fabulous.
* Base your meals on starchy foods:
Starchy foods should make up around one third of the foods you eat. Starchy foods include potatoes, cereals, pasta, rice and bread.
It’s recommended that we eat at least 5 portions of different types of fruit and veg a day.
* Eat more fish:
Fish is a good source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals. Aim to eat at least two portions of fish a week, including at least one portion of oily fish. Oily fish contains omega-3 fats, which may help to prevent heart disease.
* Cut down on saturated fat and sugar:
We all need some fat in our diet. Pay attention to the amount and type of fat we’re eating. There are two main types of fat: Saturated and Unsaturated. Too much saturated fat can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which increases your risk of developing heart disease.
Saturated fat is found in many foods, such as hard cheese, cakes, biscuits, sausages, cream, butter, lard and pies. Choose foods that contain unsaturated fats instead, such as vegetable oils, oily fish and
Most people eat and drink too much sugar. Sugary foods and drinks, including alcoholic drinks, are often high in energy (measured in kilojoules or calories), and if eaten too often, can contribute to weight gain. They can also cause tooth decay, especially if eaten between meals.
Food labels can help: use them to check how much sugar foods contain. More than 22.5g of total sugars per 100g means that the food is high in sugar, while 5g of total sugars or less per 100g means that the food is low in sugar.
* Eat less salt:
Even if you don’t add salt to your food, you may still be eating too much. Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke.
Use food labels to help you cut down. More than 1.5g of salt per 100g means the food is high in salt. Adults and children over 11 should eat no more than 6g of salt a day.
* Get active and be a healthy weight: GET RID OF THE FROZEN FAT CELLS QUICKER !!!
Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health. Being overweight or obese can lead to health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, heart disease and stroke. Being underweight could also affect your health. Check whether you’re a healthy weight by using a Healthy Weight Calculator/BMI.
If you're trying to lose weight, aim to eat less and be more active. Cut down on foods that are high in fat and sugar, and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Don't forget that alcohol is also high in calories, so cutting down can help you to control your weight.
Physical activity can help you to maintain weight loss or be a healthy weight. Being active doesn’t have to mean hours at the gym: you can find ways to fit more activity into your daily life, example, try getting off the bus one stop early on the way home from work, and walking.
* Don't get thirsty:
We need to drink about 1.6 to 2L's of WATER every day to stop us getting dehydrated. When the weather is warm, or when we get active, we may need more fluids.
* Don’t skip breakfast:
Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that eating breakfast can help people control their weight. A healthy breakfast is an important part of a balanced diet, and provides some of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health. A wholegrain, lower-sugar cereal with fruit sliced over the top is a tasty and nutritious breakfast.
- Be Positive and Set a Goal - How much you want to lose
- Keep a Food Dairy
- Drink 2 L's Water a day
- Eat more Greens
- Cook with Fat Free Broth
- Eat Whole Grains
- Measure everything
- Use Skim Milk
- Take your Time when eating
- Use Smaller Plates
- Exercise and be Active
- Eat more Seafood
- Use meat as a Condiment
- Eat more Fibre
- Eat more Vegetarian Meals
- Eat Healthy Snacks
4) How to Improve Your Oral Hygiene:
* How to Get Healthier Gums and Teeth
1. Use a good toothbrush
Go for a toothbrush with soft and round bristles. Use the ones with crisscross bristles. They help to reach tiny creases & remove elusive plaque that’s stuck in between your teeth.
2. Floss – Every day
It removes little food pieces stuck between my teeth, which then serve as nests for bacteria to gather
3. Brush at least twice a day
Mornings and evenings before going to bed
4. Use a mouthwash
Mouthwash has its unique role in oral hygiene, because our teeth make up only 25% of our mouth. There is also our tongue, area near our throat, our palate (roof of our mouth), and our gums, which are neglected during brushing. You want to eliminate bacteria in your mouth, so that plaque cannot form, since plaque is the building block of many oral diseases.
5. Avoid soft drinks
Soft drinks have a load of sugar, which makes it easy for plaque to form, which in turn contributes to gingivitis (gum disease). They are also highly acidic, eroding your tooth enamel bit by bit every time you drink them.
6. Don’t smoke
Smoking has consistently been linked with gum disease and oral diseases. I’ve met a few smokers before, and they always have yellow teeth and eroded gums. Not a pleasant sight. Not to mention they usually have bad breath too.
7. Brush using the right technique
Circle movements on the front, bottom and top teeth for at least 2 minutes
8. Destroy all bacteria “nests”
Healthy gums: Fully pink gums vs. semi-pink and red gums with a reddish gum-line.
* Here’s how it works - Look at the area between your tooth and your gum, i.e. your gum-line. This is a hot spot where bacteria gathers. You want to destroy these nests every time you brush, because if you don’t do it, it will give rise to plaque, which then becomes dental calculus which is rock-hard and extremely difficult to remove.
So when brushing, pay special attention to this area. What I found helpful is to
(a) angle your toothbrush at 45 degrees against the area
(b) make very quick, rapid motions, which helps to “break” the nests
(c) repeat two to three times per tooth until it feels clean and non-sticky to touch.
9. Use plaque locator products
IMO, plaque locator tablets is one of the best inventions in the realm of oral care. They are pink tablets which help uncover the plaque in your mouth by coloring them pink after you chew them.
10. Go for a dental check-up once every 6 months
Also get your teeth scales & polished
- Pear
- Apple
- Hourglass
- Square
6) 15 Foods that BURN more CALORIES than they contain
The following 15 treats actual burn more calories in their digestion than they offer, so you can fulfill your snack craving without the guilt of a bag of potato chips. From apples to zucchini, these foods make the perfect snacks. Hit the jump for the full list.
- Celery
- Oranges
- Strawberries
- Tangerines
- Grapefruit
- Carrots
- Apricots
- Lettuce
- Tomatoes
- Cucumbers
- Watermelon
- Cauliflower
- Apples
- Hot Chilli Peppers
- Zucchini
7) 6 Foods that works well as Medication
- GINGER - Menstrual cramps
- PEPPERMINT - Irritable bowl syndrome (IBS)
- HIBISCUS TEA - Hypertension l Lower Blood pressure
- TURMERIC - Rheumatoid arthritis
- WILD-CAUGHT ALASKAN SALMON - Inflammation / Heart health / Brain
- SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS - Improved Immune function / Immune boosting
7) 7 Urban legends that will make you age faster and die younger / Exercise MYTHS that will keep you from optimizing your health:
- Weight training will make women too bulky - By gaining more muscle you loose more fat, maintain bone mass and anti-aging benefits
- It's dangerous to start exercising when you're older - You are never too old to start exercising. You gain significant improvements in strength, range of motion, balance, bone density and mental clarity
- Walking is useless - Chronic sitting is the new smoking, raising your risk of an early death from poor health independent of your fitness and other lifestyle habits like frequent, prolonged sitting at work, commuting and watching TV significantly impacts your cardiovascular and metabolic function. SUGGESTED SITTING A DAY: Less than 3 hours / SUGGESTED WALKING A DAY: 7 000 to 10 000 steps
- You have to exercise long and hard to lose weight and improve fitness - High-intensity interval training cost a fraction of the time and has been proven to be more effective compared to longer, slower cardio workouts, push-ups, e.g. 30-second sprints / bicycle / jumping, squats / walking etc. each followed by 90-min's of recovery time
- You can target fat deposits with spot training - Exercising an area will not result in fat loss in that area. As the fat starts accumulating around the waist, people will start doing sit-ups and when nothing changes, they give up altogether. NOTE: Abdominal and hip exercises can strengthen and tone muscles, but those muscles are underneath the "subcutaneous" layer of fat that gives the lovely appearance of flab. ONLY LOSING WEIGHT can get rid of excess fat and where you lose the weight depends on your genes. Losing weight around the waist is easier than losing fat on the hips.
- No pain, No gain - The ideal amount of exercise a week is 450 min's a week (over an hour a day) of moderate exercise, such as walking, swimming, stretching, high-intensity activities, etc. compared to non-exercise